Monday, September 5, 2016

Fun facts about Astoria and Elder Flynn

September 5, 2016

Hey Fam!

It has been another great week here in the WVM. I'll start off with
some fun facts about Astoria

1. It is the Oldest American settlement West of the Mississippi
2. It has (supposedly) the longest bridge in the United States
3. Everyone lives in really old houses. The city is trying to keep the
historic feeling of the town, so apparently it’s really hard to get
permission to do big renovations
4. Food is really expensive here; most people do their shopping in
surrounding cities.
5. Most of the city surrounds a big hill, and we live right
at the top of the hill, right next to the church.
6. It is almost always cloudy in the morning, but sunsets are almost
always on point

Facts about Elder Flynn
1. He is from Missouri
2. He loves wearing neon colors more than anything else      S/O to
Cole Atkinson
3. He went to the Mexico MTC and is really good at Spanish
4. He loves race cars and has driven some pretty fast ones

Miracle of the week:
We challenged all of the members of relief society who were going to
sign up on our dinner calendar to invite a less-active of non-member
to dinner. We passed it around during the third hour of church and
when we came back to pick it up nobody had signed up. Not a single day
in the month had been filled. We prayed then proceeded to pray really
hard that we could have dinners with non-members and less-actives. By
the end of the day, many people called us and asked if we still had
room on our dinner calendar. Now our calendar is almost full for the

I know that's a small thing, but its food, so to me it is a big thing

I know the church is true and God answers all of our prayers.

I love all you guys!

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