October 17, 2016
Hey Fam!
Like always, it has been another great week in
the WVM. I guess to
start off I should address all the damage done
by the huge typhoon
that came over from Japan - to start off, our
garbage can blew over. A
traffic cone was knocked sideways, and my shoes
got really wet.
...yeah that's about it haha. Everyone and their
dog was prepping us
for "the biggest storm since Columbus Day
1977" But when it hit I
would rate it an anemic 4 on a scale of 1-10.
Besides the storm he have had some cool miracles
these past few weeks.
* Lily, an investigator we have been teaching
for 3 months just told
us that she and her boyfriend decided to get
married in November
instead of April, and then we got permission
from our Mission
President to baptize her on the same day of her
wedding right after
the ceremony.
* Chevy, a less-active we have been teaching for
a while just told us
that he lost his job and normally that pressure
along with other
pressures he has been dealing with right now
would have caused him to
make some really irrational decisions. But he
said the first thing he
thought about when he got the call was that he
needed to pray and read
the scriptures. Now he has a job working for the
bishop. For some
reason I don't think that was a coincidence.
* The Spanish group has also been doing really
well recently. Last
Sunday we almost filled up the entire relief
society room, which has
never happened before. Granted, most of the
people there were Spanish-
speaking members who came to support, but the
excitement was still the
By far the biggest bummer of the week was that
our mission conference
was cancelled. The whole mission was supposed to
meet in Vancouver for
a meeting with Elder Anderson, but last minute
they had to cancel it
for the storm that never came :(
Saturday morning the whole mission was
instructed to stay in for a few
hours right before the storm was supposed to
hit. We watched "The
Other Side of Heaven" and it made me think
about how John Groberg felt
when he arrived on the island of Tonga, and how
he must have felt when he left. That first
week if he were asked to list what had caused him grief, I'd be
willing to bet that the language, the people,
the heat and the food.
Then at the end scene when all the Tongans were
singing to him as he
got on the boat after three years, I asked myself
what he was
thinking about with fondness. Probably a lot of
his memories had a lot
to do with the language, the people, the
climate, and the food.
I hope you all have
a great week!
~Elder Thomas